
Using Rank & Reason in the Primary Grades


Interactive Options

We would recommend that this is a whole class activity. You can project the Rank & Reason onto the board and pose the Discussion Question to the class. Have students think-pair-share and invite volunteers to the front to drag one item to the top (or bottom) and give a verbal ‘justification’ (or reason why).

The fun element of dragging the items will encourage students to volunteer, and the nature of the ‘no right answer’ aspect will help students feel confident in giving their opinions. It will also encourage students to listen to each other and formulate appropriate responses.

Alternative Options

Instead, you might want to give students paper copies of the Rank & Reason to move the items around in front of them in small groups or pairs and write short justifications in the space provided. Gallery walks are an excellent way for students to view the rankings and explanations of other groups.

See our Rank & Reason Strategies for English Learners (EL) for some fantastic ways to scaffold Rank & Reason discussion with English learner students.



Need more support or have additional questions about using Rank & Reason in the primary grades? Contact us at

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