
District and Site Reporting

Designated district and site admins can view usage reports from the Admin Dashboard. Depending upon the access level given, you will either see usage metrics for all sites (district level) or for a single school (site level). 


Each report view has a customizable reporting period. Select from one of our default reporting periods (30 days, 60 days, 90 days, school year) or create your own date range by selecting custom from the dropdown menu. 


Table data displayed for each reporting view can also be exported as CSV. Clicking this button generates a file that is compatible for uploading to most reporting software used by districts.


Feedback can be provided by clicking the give us feedback link in the upper right corner.


Activity Reports

Activity reports let you know how active sites, teachers, and students are on NextLesson. This section includes data for # of created teacher accounts, # of active teachers, total page views, student participants, and most active teachers. The section might help to identify which sites and teachers you can go to for suggestions on implementation and answers to questions. 

Downloads Reports

Downloads reports let you track the number of downloads by individual lesson type for sites and teachers. This section includes data for the total # of downloads and # of downloads for each lesson type (Performance Task, Rank & Reason, Project, Activity, and Skill Builder). This section might help to identify which lesson type is most popular and can inform PD or collaboration time. 

Page Views Reports

Page Views reports let you monitor which key pages are being visited by sites and teachers. This section includes data for total page views, # of Standards Browser views, # of Class Manager views, # of interactive lesson views, and more. This section identifies usage of key pages that support high fidelity implementation of NextLesson.


Note: Access to the Admin Dashboard is given by NextLesson based on district instructions. See Accessing the Admin Dashboard for more information. 


Need more support or have additional questions about district and site reporting? Contact us at

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