
Technology Requirements for Using NextLesson

NextLesson does not require students to have a device to access our materials. Everything can be downloaded and presented to the students on paper. However, technology will enhance the experience for students. Teachers will need a computer to initially access our materials.

Internet Browsers

We support the following internet browsers and versions. Due to resource restrictions, we are not able to support older versions. If you aren't sure which browser version you have, check out this article on How To Find Your Version (note: this is a link to an external website that NextLesson does not control).

  • Chrome- Version 33+
  • Firefox- Version 39+
  • Safari- Version 8+
  • Internet Explorer- Version 12+


We support most devices as outlined below. We do not recommend using our website with small mobile devices (e.g. Android, iPhones, etc.).

  • Chromebooks
  • Laptops (Mac and PC)
  • Desktops (Mac and PC)
  • Tablets (Android and Apple)

Note: While it is possible, editing interactive content on a tablet is not advised. 



Need more support or have additional questions about technology requirements? Contact us at

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