
Student Privacy on NextLesson

At NextLesson, we take student privacy very seriously. Our website is COPPA compliant, and we are continually reviewing the latest trends to ensure the safety of the students on our website. This article outlines some of the essential pieces of our approach to student privacy. To see full details, check out our Privacy Policy.

COPPA Compliance

We acknowledge that schools are authorized to provide consent on behalf of parents/guardians in the educational context under COPPA. Therefore, we expect schools to have a dialogue with parents about what resources their students use. If you’d like assistance in securing parental consent to use NextLesson, we have created a Permission Slip that you are welcome to use.

We require students to seek permission to join NextLesson from teachers or parents by requiring a join code. Without the join code, students are unable to complete the sign-up process. As a school, you will acquire join codes for your students within the Class Management tool.

Our policy is not to collect more personal information from students than is necessary to provide the service. To register an account and access NextLesson, students need only provide the following information: first name, last name, user name, password, and a valid Join Code.

As students interact with the service, we may also prompt them for the following information: color preferences, performance, interests, and grade.


Need more support or have additional questions about student privacy? Contact us at

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