
Edit a Rank & Reason

To Edit a Rank & Reason

  1. Open the Rank & Reason lesson you want to edit.
  2. Click the Table of Contents tab on the right side.
  3. Click the Rank & Reason step.
  4. Click into text fields to edit the driving question and background information boxes.
  5. Click and write to edit the items to be ranked.
  6. Click on the trash can to delete an item.
  7. Click on the paperclip icon to add or edit an image or information for each item.
  8. Click +Add item to add additional items for ranking.
  9. Optional: Click on the gear icon on the upper left to turn the comparison feature on or off.

 Check out our blog for real-world Rank & Reason tips for growing your classroom's academic discussion.


Need more support or have additional questions about editing Rank & Reason? Contact us at


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