
Google Classroom

Google Apps for Education users can create a NextLesson account through Google, enabling Google Classroom Syncing

These Google users will have a Classroom Sync button at the top of their Class Manager.

Google Classroom syncing will not begin until this button is clicked. Opting to sync with Google Classroom will connect the two accounts into a two-way sync. Students and classes added or deleted on NextLesson will also be added or deleted on Google Classroom. Changes in Google Classroom will be reflected in your NextLesson Class Manager the next time you sync. 

Stop Syncing

If you do not want to sync one of your classes on NextLesson to Google Classroom, you can stop syncing by going into Edit Class and unchecking Sync with Google checkbox. Unchecking this box will prevent accidentally deleting a class on NextLesson and having it get deleted on Google Classroom.

Edit a class by clicking on the pencil icon:

To properly sync with your Google Classroom, students must sign up for NextLesson with their Google Accounts. All lesson assignments and access take place on NextLesson. 


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